If you didn’t make it to the January 2013 book signings at two Warren County Libraries, you have THREE more chances to hear author Christie Leigh Napurano and Ret. Det. Stephen J. Speirs, Jr. speak about the Princess Doe case and the novel!
On Saturday, March 9, Napurano and Speirs will be presenting at the Warren County Historical Society Luncheon at the Warrenside Tavern in Bloomsbury, NJ at 12 noon. Tickets are $20. Please email whoisprincessdoe@gmail.com for information on ticket purchase.
On Saturday, March 23, at 1PM, Napurano and Speirs will be appearing AGAIN at the Northeast Branch Library in Hackettstown, NJ. Please call the library at (908) 813-3858 to sign up, as seating is limited and the previous book signing was standing room only!
Then on Wednesday, April 3 at 7PM there will be another “Princess Doe” presentation at the Randolph Library. This program is for adults 18 and over. Randolph library card holders may register at http://evanced.info/randolph/evanced/eventcalendar.asp or call (973) 895-3556. Non-residents may register a week before the program.
We are very excited about all of these upcoming appearances and hope that the community involvement will bring us even closer to answering the decades old question…. WHO IS PRINCESS DOE?